BMW TCD Awards Dinner – Sat. Feb 4th

It's time again for the annual BMW TCD Awards Dinner.  We will rehash the year's rides, distribute some awful trophies (and some good ones!), and think about the warm weather to come soon.

We will host the event Saturday February 4th at Doc's Sports Retreat in Livonia.  The cost of the dinner is $24 per person and includes tax and gratuity (drinks not included).

Doc's is located at 19265 Victor Pkwy, Livonia, MI 48152 near 7 Mile and I-275. The dinner will begin at 6:00pm and go until 9:30pm. Setup and tear down will be 1/2 hour before and after the dinner for those volunteering.

Please RSVP via the link below, on the forum, or send an email to let us know you'll be coming.


(The link above also helps us track the mileage, etc. for the awards.)

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